我们迎来了新的一年,饱含了满满的欢呼雀跃,2017我们要健康!要活力!要诗和远方!以及从“新”出发,2017年杜邦™ Sorona®“新”动助力,带您领略品牌的力量!品质生活,从新的一年开始。生活中的各个细节无时无刻不体现着高品质的生活方式。吃更加绿色健康的食物,适当健身、参加户外运动,亲近大自然,远足旅游,放飞自己的心情!给家里添置一席柔软抗污的地毯,一套舒适保型的家居服,一床保暖耐用的床上用品,都能助您打造只属于自己的精致温馨的家。
U-Share Industrial (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. is a new type of environmental protection materials technology companies, the spirit of "exploration and innovation, the value of the public to enjoy" business philosophy, all departments work together to close, not only for the long-term development of the company has laid a good foundation, but also for each time and cooperation partners to provide a guarantee of efficient cooperation.
In 2016, U-Share industry, DuPont Co and the Shanghai Haixing material reached a strategic partnership, and successfully developed from natural plant biomass based mat products environmental health materials - Sustans.
As the operation center of DuPont Sustans, U-Share Industrial adhering to the spirit of DuPont enterprise, take”honest, correct oneself, trustworthy, perseverance, share“as the core values of the enterprise, vision "to make people live better and better". U-Share carrying the "improving the living environment, improve the quality of life" of the enterprise mission, and to the heart of thanksgiving to explore the secrets of nature, apply it to life.
杜邦 Sorona是杜邦公司最新推出的纺丝级聚合物,适用于纤维和面料的生产。Sorona是由两种化学单体生成的,其中最主要的原料成分是Bio-PDO,它是利用植物的可再生资源来生产的,而非传统的石化原料,并且使用了糖分发酵的工艺来获得的。
DoPont Sorona is the latest introduction of the spinning polymer of DoPont Co, suitable for the production of fibers and fabrics.Sorona is composed of two monomers generated, one of the most important components of the raw material is Bio-PDO,It is produced by the use of renewable resources of plants, rather than the traditional petrochemical raw materials, and the use of sugar fermentation process to obtain.
Sorona part from sustainable renewable plant material, so as to effectively reduce the dependence on oil and petrochemical products. Compared with nylon 6 fiber production, use an equal number of Sorona can reduce 30% of non renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 63%
Sorona polymer is a perfect combination of high performance and environmental protection. Unique molecular structure and crystalline form gives a unique combination of properties.
At present, extends from Sorona with the material of garment fabric and filling material, cushion material - Sustans and is suitable for baby products, home textiles, Home Furnishing etc.
近日,协和双语虹桥校区隆重举办了“心绘七彩云南——有爱的新年更HAPPY”慈善画展&义卖活动,杜邦™ SORONA®很荣幸能爱心助力此次慈善活动,以及和各界爱心人士汇聚力量,共赴这场爱与幸福的盛宴! |
生活中,你关注什么?生活的品质和改善,还有更多…… 生活中,我们能为您做些什么?杜邦Sorona新型生物质填充材料舒弹绒、舒弹棉和弹纶带您体验绿色生活…… |